
Standing Strong

The only Support You Need While Standing

Standing throughout the day not only causes fatigue, it results in locked hips and knees as you try to stabilize. That puts you at risk for various musculoskeletal disorders. The patented StandRite-Pro™ provides a comfortable balance point that unlocks the body and prevents MSDs caused by poor posture.
The patented StandRite-Pro effectively activates the body's natural core support system, making the core the center of balance, and spreading the work over the entire body. This is the basic principle in athletic strength and endurance training. The StandRite-Pro makes standing a full-body exercise, and therefore mitigates the destructive effects of static awkward postures on isolated muscle groups, that in turn undermine the integrity of the core and accelerate intervertebral disk degeneration.
Everyone moves in the workplace, but the real risk appears when you stop to perform a task. That static standing results in muscle atrophy over time and that loss of muscle carries over to times when your job requires movement. At that point, you are moving with locked hips which results in musculoskeletal injuries. That is why companies who practice work rotation as a remedy, still need the StandRite-Pro to strengthen muscles and posture in times of standing. The patented StandRite-Pro™ builds an engaged, dynamic stance while ensuring unimpeded ingress and egress to and from its comfortable shin pad. Best of all, it is used anywhere you use ergonomic mats. If workers have enough time to use a floormat, they have enough time for balance and stability.
Stand RitePro

Our Mission

To improve wellness and productivity by providing balance and stability while positively and measurably impacting healthcare, society and economics.

How StandRite-Pro™ Helps

The StandRite-Pro™ is a comfortable balance point at your shins to control postural sway that causes fatigue as you balance on your feet. This means improved engagement, focus and safety.

The shin pad creates a positive shin angle that enables proper hip hinge movement. This hip hinge allows for the reduction in the torque exerted in your lower back in even normal tasks like reaching and light lifting.

Flexing your knees and placing minor force into the pad interrupts the line of gravity that travels down your spine to your feet. This dynamic stance, redirects nearly 20% of your weight off your feet and into the shin pad.

The StandRite-Pro™ patented design is based on subtle movements to gather energy and deliver it within the center of gravity. The storing and delivery of energy in constant alternation is natural and necessary to build and maintain muscles.


Balance in standing is directly related to postural sway, which causes significant tension in our connective tissues as we fight gravity. StandRite-Pro™ controls it by reducing fascia tension and inflammation, which allows the core to strengthen.

Bending the knees improves circulation and allows for a dynamic stance. The resulting shin angle engages proper hip hinge movement, which exerts force to your legs rather than your lower back.


Companies spend significant money on safety, workers' compensation, and wellness. The StandRite-Pro™ was develped by standing workers who understand the difficulties in standing at work. We are committed to helping you develop a safer work environment for your employees.

Employee safety is directly related to focus and cognitive thinking as they perform tasks. If they are focused on discomfort, pain or fatigue, they are not focused on their task or surroundings.


Improving your processes and engagement is the key to reducing lost time, high turnover, and costly factors like unscheduled breaks. By providing a healthy and conducive environment for your employees, you are also able to improve morale, quality and productivity. StandRite-Pro™ prevents pain and fatigue which improves cognitive focus to dramatically affect engagement.

David Gilboe

P.T. - Practicing Physical Therapist and Owner of David Gilboe and Associates Physical and Occupational Therapy

"I have been practicing outpatient therapy for over forty years with experience in musculoskeletal injuries, postural training and ergonomic assessment.

I was introduced to the StandRite-Pro device approximately six months ago. I’ve had the opportunity to use it in my office with both staff and patients. Using the StandRite-Pro device promotes postural efficiency in those whose job involves performing standing activities.

This, in turn, decreases energy expenditure and may decrease repetitive stress injuries in this population. When used properly, as instructed, I see no detrimental effect associated with intermittent use of the StandRite-Pro."

Angie Beckett

Therapeutic Riding Instructor Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Multiple Sclerosis

“I can now walk 90% of the time without the use of my cane when before I needed that assistance all the time. I can now get down on the floor to play with my children when before I couldn’t even bend down. I danced in my kitchen when that has not been previously possible.

My eyesight would decline during the day to nearly being legally blind at times but now even my sight has improved so much that I returned to the library again. Even writing this short letter was something I could not do four weeks ago. I am blessed to have been able to use the HBS product. I have not only improved in every facet of my quality of life, but I have “a” life again! I have hope again! I can now live without pain most of the time. Before I started using your product, I was having bad days 4-5 days a week. After using this, I am now down to having a bad time only 2-3 hours a week!”

Bob Ezor

Owner of Pioneer Broach

“The unit has proven to be very effective. The tool maker using the unit had previously been thru an extensive layoff due to back surgery.(disc replacement). His productivity is back up and he is much happier having the support provided by the HBS1001. Thank you very much!!"

Jennifer P.

Nursing Home Restorative Care

“We have been using it on some restorative residents and are seeing improvements overall. The residents that are using it are happy with their own improvements as well.”

Brandon Genco

“This product has changed the way I look at standing. I had no idea how much standing with locked knees could affect my daily life. Within seconds of using this product I could feel the pressure dissipate in my lower back, knees and my feet. Just using this product for a half hour in the kitchen doing dishes every day is enough to see a difference. I was diagnosed with a vascular disease at the age of 19. Since my diagnosis over the years and now being 28, I have found it increasingly difficult to stand for long periods at a time. But thanks to StandRite-Pro I am finding comfort and peace in my daily life again.”

Anthony Peake

“Have used the HBS1000 on our CNC vertical mill for over a year. Very noticeable improvement on the mild back pain that i was developing from all the unsupported bending I do. Actually feels like my back has started to heal and regenerate itself. Very nice product and very good people.”

Tim Depoorter

“This wonder Bar really works. It helps take stress and weight off your feet and helps with your back and posture. I’m a grinder hand working and on my feet 10 or 11 hours a day. I am losing weight since using this!!! Thanks for helping me out!”

K. Ellis

“I have always wanted a device to help with standing in one place. My back would ache, my feet hurt and my posture could use some help. I work long days and I’m exhausted afterwards. Since using the StandRite Pro, my back never hurts, my feet keep me at a good stance to help my posture and my energy has increased. I also noticed I’m sleeping better as well. Best product in the world. I cannot live without it now!!! I recommend this to anyone who is on their feet a lot or even if you just do a few hours at a time, you will notice the difference. It’s the greatest product ever.”


Human Balance and Stability Systems helpful videos insure our customers gain a complete understanding of the StandRite-Pro. Bookmark this page and return as often as needed to train your people or simply see what’s new!!

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The StandRite-Pro HBS1001 is simple and easy. Prevent back pain, strain and injury in any standing environment.

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StandRite Pro Explainer

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See this short instruction on the StandRite-Pro balance support

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Dr. Daniel Clark of the Macomb Spine Care Center talks about the StandRite-Pro

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StandRite-Pro wearable technology validation  

31.8% Reduction in lower back torque

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Instructional Video (3 min) – Please watch before using your StandRite-Pro

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