Thanks Phil we’re excited to see you getting strong and healthy.
What happened to Phil is happening to every standing worker on the planet. The MSDs might be different but the cause is always the same. Out-of-control postural sway leads to fatigue that leads to locked knees. Locked knees lead to locked hips, locked hips creates bad posture, and we all know what happens when you’re working with bad posture. At that point, anything can go wrong. Standing and working with bad posture causes MSDs and heart disease. Now you know the problem, and now there is a solution.
Stand Strong with the Patented StandRite-Pro.

Philip wirick – August 4, 2020
“I have been a tool maker for 43 years now, started using the StandRite-Pro on my surface grinder for 7 months now have not had to see the chiropractor since I started using it, before then I was going once a month to have my neck adjusted. Have not had a headache since I’ve started using it. I feel it’s a great product and needs to be put on all the machines that a person has to stand and operate it. This product takes the pressure off of the knees, hips, neck and made me stand with better posture. Great product!”